Ask – what you want :

Asking is the very first stage in attracting anything. Ask with certainty and clarity. Ask for the life you want without holding back. Why hesitate or make concessions when you’re here to live your finest life?

Remember that your higher self is the source of all of your aspirations, dreams, and desires. You, therefore, possess the ability to realize your wildest hopes and goals. Your higher self cherishes you without conditions. It is constantly prepared to provide for your needs. It is prepared to give you all the tools and abilities you need to realize your goals.

Furthermore, your higher self and you are one and always in touch/connection.

Therefore, you are sending the wrong messages to your higher self if you have any doubts or make any compromises when trying to realize your dreams and desires.

So here are a few steps to manifest your dreams and desires :

  • Ask
  • Have Faith that you can make it happen.
  • Believe in your potential.
  • Believe that it’s already yours.

Your subconscious has the same beliefs as you.

Your subconscious mind is required to be persuaded that what you want is really possible. Whatever it is, don’t worry about it.

Even better if you can convince your subconscious mind that you already possess what you desire.


Please get in touch with me via email if you have any questions.

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